A Midsummers Night’s Dream All Question Answers | Class 7 English Chapter 9

(PART 2)

 A.   Answer the following questions . 

1. What problem did Puck cause by mistaking Lysander for Demetrius ?

Ans: Due to Puck’s mistake Lysander began to fall in love with Helena instead of Hermia which eventually lead to a fight between Demetrius and Lysander.

2. Why did the two former friends Hermia and Helena quarrel bitterly ?

Ans: The two former friends quarrelled bitterly with each other because according to Helena ,Hermia had set both Lysander and Demetrius to mock her with fake word of love and on the other hand Hermia claimed that the three of them were playing  a cruel prank on her .

3. What new instructions did Oberon give Puck ?

Ans: The new instructions that Oberon gave Puck while observing both Lysander and Demetrius fight with each other was to , cover the forest with thick fog so that they were unable to find each other and when tired and fall asleep ,to drop the juice of other flower into Lysander’s eyes.

4. What mischief had Puck been up to earlier that night ?

Ans: Earlier that night Puck mischievously and magically put an ass’s head over a clown who had lost his way in the wood.

5. How did Titania react on seeing the clown with the ass’s head?

Ans: Due to the effect of the  juice of purple flower that Puck dropped into Titania’s eyes she immediately fell in love with the clown with ass’s  head ,as it was the  first object she saw upon  opening her eyes .

6. Why did Titania concede to Oberon’s demand to have the boy for his page?

Ans: When the juice of the purple flower  gets dropped into someone’s eyes he/she would truly be attracted only upon the first object after opening eyes. Now as Titania saw the clown as the first object ,she even conceded to Oberon’s demand to have the boy for his page for whom she even fought with her king before .

7. What had transpired with the two couples in the meanwhile ?

Ans: The fact that if the adventures that happened to them in the woods was real or a bewildering dream transpired  both couples in the meanwhile.

8. How did Theseus’s unexpected appearance in the wood help the two pairs of lovers?

Ans: Theseus’s unexpected appearance in the wood made him realize about the love both couples had upon each other and thus helped them as he immediately withdrew the death sentence and gave his concern to the marriages of Hermia and Lysander and Helena and Demetrius.

B.  Read the lines from the passage and answer the questions with reference to the context . 

1. Puck answered that it was a genuine mistake , but he was not sorry it had happened as he found the lovers quarrels most amusing .

(a) Who was Puck ?

Ans: Puck was a mischievous fairy who loved playing pranks upon folks in the neighbouring villages.

(b) What had he been instructed to do and by whom?

Ans: Puck had been instructed to stop the fight between Lysander and Demetrius by making a fog and to drop juice of other flower into Lysander’s eyes after both  being asleep.

Puck was instructed by  Oberon , the king of  the fairies .

(c) What  ‘ genuine mistake ‘ had he made ?

Ans : To drop the juice of the purple flower into Lysander’s eyes mistaking him for Demetrius was a        ‘ genuine mistake ‘ by Puck .

(d) Why was Puck amused by the quarrelling lovers?

Ans: Both couples with the effect of purple flower running wrongly  in love with  each  and quarrelling other made Puck amused .

2. The fairy king and queen took great pleasure in this happy ending of the lovers story ,brought about by the kindness of Oberon …..

(a) Who were the lovers ?

Ans: The lovers were Helena and Demetrius  and Hermia and Lysander.

(b) What happy ending did the story have ?

Ans : The happy ending was that besides both Lysander and Demetrius running after Helena ,at last Lysander got cut off the effect of magic flower and got married to Hermia his true love and also Helena got married to her love Demetrius .

(c) What  ‘ kindness of Oberon ‘ had brought about such an ending ?

Ans: Oberon’s compassion for Helena when she was rejected by Demetrius and the order that  he gave Puck was the kindness of him which brought about such an ending .

(d) How did the fairy king and queen decide to honour the lovers ?

Ans: The fairy king and queen decided to honour the lovers by approaching their weddings with sports and revels throughout the fairy kingdom .


Chapter 1  – https://bit.ly/3o4Y7ot

Chapter 2  – https://bit.ly/3BM5DZk

Chapter 3 – https://bit.ly/3iaEcAN

Chapter 4 – https://bit.ly/39Thust

Chapter 5 – https://bit.ly/2XSNXwF

Chapter 6 – https://bit.ly/3kHNLJa

Chapter 7 – https://bit.ly/39GelMc

Chapter 9 – https://bit.ly/2Ww34ve

Chapter 10 –  https://bit.ly/3TcSIbv

Chapter 11 –  https://bit.ly/3EUAg3k

Chapter 12  – https://bit.ly/3eCLvmk

Chapter 14 – https://bit.ly/3glRPyM

Chapter 15 – https://bit.ly/3WkgqVa

Chapter 16 – https://bit.ly/41uXyWg


Chapter 1  – https://bit.ly/3i8Qz07

Chapter 2  – https://bit.ly/3ELEw2q

Chapter 3  – https://bit.ly/3zFwK6t

Chapter 4  – https://bit.ly/3o5Evk4

Chapter 5  – https://bit.ly/3kHPmOV

Chapter 6  –  https://bit.ly/3i8kuFO

Chapter 7  –  https://bit.ly/3m2AYQO

Chapter 8  – https://bit.ly/3CHIoj2

Chapter 9 – https://bit.ly/3gkT29w

Chapter 10 – https://bit.ly/3CMLG6w

Chapter 11 – https://bit.ly/3Dvsprl

Chapter 12 –  https://bit.ly/3Y5LYxU

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