A Midsummers Night’s Dream Complete Solutions | Class 7 English Chapter 8

  1. What complaint did Egeus bring against his daughter Hermia?

Ans:  Egeus complaint about his daughter was that ,she refused to marry a young man named Demetrius ,of his choice .

2. Why had Hermia refused to follow her father’s wishes ?

Ans:  Hermia refused to follow her father’s wishes because she was in  love with  another young man named Lysander.

3. What did Lysander propose to Hermia ? Why was this action necessary ?

Ans: Lysander proposed Hermia of leaving that very night for his aunt’s house ,a few distance away from Athens ,where they would  then get married to each other.

That action was necessary because the cruel rule didn’t extend beyond Athens and by doing this they could save their love towards each other .

4. Who did Hermia reveal her plans to ? What happened as a result?

Ans: Hermia revealed her plans to her friend Helena .

As a result , the plan of theirs  also got into the ears of Demetrius .

5. Why had Oberon and Titania , the king and queen of the fairies ,quarrelled?

Ans: The reason behind the quarrel of the king and queen was a little boy who was stolen by the queen and brought to the woods.The king wanted the boy as  a page ,but this request of the king was refused by the queen.

6. Why did Oberon want the flower called ‘Love in Idleness’ ?

Ans: If the juice of the flower called ‘Love in Idleness’ was placed on the eyelids of those who are sleeping ,they will fall in love with whatever they see after opening the eyes. So, Oberon wanted the flower in order to drop it into his queen’s eyelids while sleeping ,so that he could take the boy out of her sight and could make him his page.

7. What did Oberon witness while waiting for Puck?

Ans: Oberon witnessed Demetrius and Helena enter the wood while waiting for Puck.He even witnessed that Helena was rejected by Demetrius with cruel words.

8. Why did Oberon instruct Puck to follow Demetrius and Helena?

Ans: As Oberon felt great compassion for Helena he instructed Puck  to follow Demetrius and Helena and also to drop some of the love juice in Demetrius eyes while he was sleeping.

9. What happened to Hermia and Lysander in the wood?

Ans: Hermia and Lysander was on their way to his aunts’ house through the woods . But before they had crossed half the wood ,Hermia was too tired to move further. So, they lay down on the ground and fell fast asleep.

10. Why did Lysander claim undying love for Helena when he awoke ?

Ans: Puck mistaking Lysander as Demetrius ,poured the juice of magic flower into his eyes while sleeping .And as Helena was the first object seen by Lysander after opening his eyes , he claimed undying love for Helena completely forgetting about Hermia.

B.   Read the lines from the passage and answer the following question with reference to the context .

1. As fathers do not desire the death of their own daughters , however headstrong they may be ,this law as rarely if ever put into execution .

(a) Which law is referred to in these lines ?

Ans: The law which gave the citizens the power to compel their daughters to marry a man of their choice and if not then to put her to death is being referred in these lines .

(b) In which city did this law exists?

Ans: The law exists in the city of Athens .

(c) Explain the significance of the words : ‘however headstrong they may be ‘.

Ans: ‘ However headstrong they may be ‘ means that no ,matter how impatient or obstinate kind of mentality one possess .

(d) Which was the one instance when a father took recourse to this law?

Ans: The one instance  was then when an old man named Egeus applied to Thesus , that this cruel law might be brought to his daughter who disagrees with her father’s decision.

2. She was in great rage when she heard him speak in this manner ,for she thought that Lysander was playing a cruel joke on her . She reproached him for his unkindness and ran away .

(a) Who is the ‘she’  referred to in these lines ?

Ans: Helena is being referred to as  ‘ she ‘ in these lines.

(b) What was the  ‘ cruel joke ‘ that she thought Lysander was playing on her?

Ans: The undying love that Lysander claimed to Helena is considered as a ‘ cruel joke ‘ by her.

(c) Why was she sure it was only a joke ?

Ans: She  knew that Lysander was in love with Hermia and even they were solemnly engaged to marry and so she was sure that it was only a joke.

(d) What had made Lysander act the way he did?

Ans: Lysander acted likewise all because of the effect of the so called flower ‘ Love In Idleness ‘ poured mistakenly by Puck upon his eyes.


Chapter 1  – https://bit.ly/3o4Y7ot

Chapter 2  – https://bit.ly/3BM5DZk

Chapter 3 – https://bit.ly/3iaEcAN

Chapter 4 – https://bit.ly/39Thust

Chapter 5 – https://bit.ly/2XSNXwF

Chapter 6 – https://bit.ly/3kHNLJa

Chapter 7 – https://bit.ly/39GelMc

Chapter 9 – https://bit.ly/2Ww34ve

Chapter 10 –  https://bit.ly/3TcSIbv

Chapter 11 –  https://bit.ly/3EUAg3k

Chapter 12  – https://bit.ly/3eCLvmk

Chapter 14 – https://bit.ly/3glRPyM

Chapter 15 – https://bit.ly/3WkgqVa

Chapter 16 – https://bit.ly/41uXyWg


Chapter 1  – https://bit.ly/3i8Qz07

Chapter 2  – https://bit.ly/3ELEw2q

Chapter 3  – https://bit.ly/3zFwK6t

Chapter 4  – https://bit.ly/3o5Evk4

Chapter 5  – https://bit.ly/3kHPmOV

Chapter 6  –  https://bit.ly/3i8kuFO

Chapter 7  –  https://bit.ly/3m2AYQO

Chapter 8  – https://bit.ly/3CHIoj2

Chapter 9 – https://bit.ly/3gkT29w

 Chapter 10 – https://bit.ly/3CMLG6w

Chapter 11 – https://bit.ly/3Dvsprl

Chapter 12 –  https://bit.ly/3Y5LYxU 

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