Engine Trouble Complete & Extra Notes |Class 7 English Chapter 14

Engine Trouble Question Answers

Class 7 Engine Trouble Complete & Extra Notes is important for the students of 7th standard. Engine Trouble Complete & Extra Notes could provide extra benefits in excelling a students curriculum . Class 7 English Engine Trouble Complete & Extra Notes are outlined for students to easily understand & memorize the answers . Hope students would be benefited .

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What  were  some  of  the  entertainments  available  at  Gaiety  Land ?

Ans : Gaiety Land  the institution was popular for providing  the people residing in the town  with all sorts of fun and gambling and sideshows along with performing parrots  to  performing  motorcyclist  and  even lotteries .

2. What prize did the narrator win in  the lucky draw  ? What exception did the owner of the show make in his case ?

Ans : The narrator won a road engine in  the lucky draw   .The exception that the owner of the show made for him was to keep the engine on the Gymkhana Grounds till the end of their season ,so  that the narrator could make some arrangements  to take it out .

3. What burden fell on the narrator when the entertainment left the town ?

Ans :  When the entertainment left town, the narrator faced the burden of receiving a notice from the municipality ordering him to remove the engine from the grounds immediately or face being charged rent .

4. Briefly describe the  arrangements  the narrator made for moving the road engine .

Ans: In order to move the road engine , the narrator manages to arrange the services of the temple elephant by gaining sympathy from the priest of the local temple, which costs him seven rupees a day along with a one-time feed. He also arranged fifty coolies to push the engine from behind with a daily wage of eight annas per head and also managed to take back into service a dismissed bus-driver named Joseph, although he knew nothing about road rollers .

5. Why did the effort to move the road engine end in failure ?

Ans : The engine started to behave in a strange manner on reaching the road. It started to move in a zigzag manner instead of moving forward . The elephants involved in pulling the engine dragged it in one direction while Joseph turned the wheel without any idea of where he was going . Also, the fifty men behind it grasped the engine in every possible manner and pushed it just where they liked . As a result of these , the effort to move the road engine ended in failure .

6. What did the narrator find waiting for him when he was released by the police ?

Ans: After being released by the police ,all he found waiting for him were the following consequences:

  • He had several yards of compound wall to be repaired by him.
  • The wages of fifty men who ran away
  • Joseph’s fee for steering the engine over the wall
  • The cost of medicine for treating the knee of the temple elephant
  • The demand to move the engine from its present station

7. How did an earthquake come to the narrator’s rescue ?

Ans: The disastrous earthquake, which destroyed whole towns in north India , also caused damage in the narrator’s town. This natural calamity actually rescued the narrator by disposing of his troublesome road engine into a disused well nearby.

8. In what manner was the story of the road engine finally brought to an end?

Ans: After learning that he has to pay rent to have the road engine parked at the Gymkhana grounds, he chooses to sell it to someone  , but no one was interested in buying a road engine.Then with fifty people , an elephant and a dismissed bus-driver named Joseph , he tried to move it, but this plan of his also wasn’t successful and instead left him with large bills and a way to jail . Finally, at the end , the narrator’s issue was resolved by nature. A large earthquake occurs, and the road engine becomes stuck in a well. This pleased the well’s owner, as he was attempting to close the well, and also obviously pleased the narrator .

B. Read the lines from the story and answer the questions with reference to the context .

1. I thought that ,after all, my troubles were coming to an end .How ignorant we are ! How little did I guess that my trouble had just begun .

a) Why did the narrator think his troubles were coming to an end ?

Ans: The narrator wasn’t a rich man . Besides , the compliments from his friends about the road engine ,that he could make at least a thousand by selling the engine ,made him think that his troubles were coming to an end .

b) How has his troubles just begun ?

Ans: The road engine, which the narrator had won, was still on the Gymkhana Grounds. As a result, his troubles had just begun as his first task would be to remove the engine from the road , which was not an easy task for him .

c) What was the first trouble that he faced ?

Ans: The first trouble that he faced was a notice from the municipality ordering him to remove the road engine from the Gymkhana Grounds or to pay a rent for doing so.

2. Not a soul was going to know what my plans were . I was going to put off my creditors and disappear one fine night .

a) What was the speaker’s plan ?

Ans: The speaker’s plan was to leave the town in a couple of days ,leaving the engine to its fate , with all its commitments .

b) What had  made him think of such a plan  ?

Ans: Due to the damage caused by the road engine , he had to pay a large sum of bills to various people . As he knew that he couldn’t pay such an amount of money due to his financial condition , he thought of leaving his town .

c) Why did he decide to disappear without telling a soul ?

Ans: The narrator decided to disappear without telling a soul to avoid paying debts, as he couldn’t afford to pay such a large sum of money .

Extra – Questions

1. What was the reason behind the Gymkhana Grounds being decorated ?

Ans: Gymkhana Grounds were decorated as a result of the showman who owned The Gaiety Land. He built his several stands on the gymkhana grounds to offer the public amusement and recreation.

2. Which particular corner of the show was in great favour and why ?

Ans: There was one section of the programme that received a lot of attention. For an eight anna ticket, one may enter to win a variety of items, including pincushions , sewing machines, cameras, and even a road engine.

3. How did nature come to the rescue of the narrator ?

Ans : Nature came to the rescue of the narrator in the form of an earthquake.

4. What made the narrator breathe a sigh of relief ?

Ans: When the narrator was finally able to get rid of the road engine and the expenses he had incurred as a result of it, he exhaled with relief.

5. What did the narrators wife threaten she would do ?

Ans: The narrators wife threatened that she would ask her father to take her away .

Class 7 English Other Chapter Notes :

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Chapter 11https://bit.ly/3EUAg3k
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Chapter 16https://bit.ly/41uXyWg

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