The Face on the Wall Complete /Extra Notes with pdf |Class 8 English Chapter 1 Notes

Class 8 The Face on the Wall Complete /Extra Notes is important for the students of 8th standard. The Face on the Wall Complete /Extra Notes could provide extra benefits in excelling a students curriculum . Class 8 English The Face on the Wall Complete /Extra Notes are outlined for students to easily understand & memorize the answers . Hope students would be benefited .

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What were the narrator and his friends discussing ?

Ans:  The narrator and his friends were discussing events that could not be explained by natural causes.

2. Why did the stranger become fascinated with a particular patch on the wall of his house ?

Ans: The stranger became fascinated with a particular patch on the wall of his house as the patch seemed to have an impression of a human face.

3. What obsession did this lead to and how did it affect his life ?

Ans: The narrator was obsessed with the impression of a human face that appeared on the patch of wall, and he felt himself controlled by that mysterious face, searching in the streets for one resembling it, thus affecting his life.

4. Where did he finally see the man whom he had been seeking ?

Ans: The narrator finally saw the man he was seeking in a taxi driving east along Piccadilly.

5. What did the stranger do in order to find out more about this man ?

Ans: In order to find out more about this man , he wrote to Pittsburgh, wrote to American editors , and even made friends with Americans in London .

6. What was he able to find out about the man he had pursued?

Ans: The narrator only found out that the man he had pursued was a millionaire with English parents who had resided in London.

7. What happened on the day that the patch on the wall began to fade? When, according to the stranger, did the patch completely disappear?

Ans: On the day when the patch on the wall began to fade away, he got the news about the accident of the Pittsburgh millionaire who was hit by a wagon. And according to the stranger the patch completely disappeared when he died .

8. What were two extraordinary things about the stranger’s story?

Ans: The two extraordinary things about the stranger’s story were –

 One is that it should be able for a spot on a London house’s wall to closely resemble the life of an American gentleman while also resembling his appearance.

Second, there should be some connection between the man’s name and the location where some mysterious agency had so curiously mimicked the man’s looks.

9. What was the third and most remarkable aspect of the story?

Ans: The third and most noteworthy feature of the story was that it was a fake that the storyteller created approximately a half-hour earlier.

B. Read the lines from the story and answer the questions with reference to the context.

1. “Truth, I always believe, is not only stranger than a made – up story, but also greatly more interesting.”

a) Who said these words and on what occasion?

Ans: The words mentioned in the question were said by the narrator on the occasion of Dabney’s last evening.

b) What does the speaker seem to be implying about the stories told by the others?

Ans: From the stories told by the others, the speaker seems to be implying events that cannot be explained by natural causes.

c) What was the strange thing he mentioned about the story he was going to tell?

Ans: He added that the story he was going to relate involved him personally and that it had, oddly enough, only come to a conclusion this afternoon.

2. ‘…on it were the words: Mr Ormond Wall, with an address at Pittsburgh, USA. I remember no more until I found myself in a hospital at Boulogne.’

a) Where did the narrator read these words?

Ans: The narrator read those words in the visiting card he got from Mr Ormond Wall.

b) Who had given it to him?

Ans: Mr Ormond Wall had given it to him.

c) Why were these words such a shock to him?

Ans: The narrator felt such a sense of satisfaction after meeting the one he was searching for everywhere that these words acted as a shock to him.

d) What happened to the narrator on reading these words?

Ans: On reading those words, the narrator felt unconscious and later found himself waking up in a hospital in Boulogne.

Extra – Questions / FAQ

1. What did the people at Dabney’s ask the little man to do? What was his reply?

Ans. A small man with a worried countenance was there among the guests in Dabney’s home. They invited the young man to tell a story about the same topic that they were discussing. The individual informed them that he had a different story to share which would be based on reality.

2.  What did the little man, the narrator of the story, find on the wall of his room?

Ans. The little man who was the narrator reported to the audience that one of his room’s walls had traits that resembled a human face. The features were dull at first, but they eventually became incredibly visible.

3. Why and where did the narrator look for the man having the same face that had appeared on the wall of his room?

Ans. The narrator travelled to crowded places like markets, political rallies, playgrounds, train stations, etc. in search of guys with the same face that had appeared on the wall of his room.

4. “The search became madness with me. I stood at busy corners 
watching the crowd until people thought me mad, 
and the police began to know me and be suspicious.”
a). Who is the speaker?
b). Which search became madness?
c). Why he went to the crowded places?

Ans: a) The  narrator is the speaker .
         b) The speaker was preoccupied with finding the individual whose face resembled a patch on the wall.
         c) Political gatherings, football matches, and railway stations were among the areas where the individual who looked like the patch on the wall was more likely to be seen, as they were all crowded places.

5. “Most remarkable”, 
we said, “most extraordinary. 
“We meant it too.
a) “We “refer to whom?
b) What was remarkable?
c) How was it most extraordinary?

Ans: a) We refer to the people assembled at Dabney’s place.
         b) The story narrated by the narrator was remarkable.
         c) The most extraordinary thing was that the little man had made up the whole story just half  an hour ago.

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