Tiger Tiger Revisited All Question Answers 2023 | Class 7 English Chapter 11 | English Chapter 11 Answers |Snowflakes northeast edition class 7 chapter 11 |


1. Why is the tiger fading fast? What shadow have humans cast on its future ?

Ans:-  The tiger is fading fast because human beings are killing them.

The shadow cast on its future is that of extinction.

2. How can a  ‘ brave law or business deal ‘ protect the tiger ?

Ans:-  If government make laws banning poaching, or take strict measures to punish poachers, then  we could hope better for the  tiger’s future to  be  secure. In the same way ,  business could pour in money to safeguard the existing care given to tigers .

3. What faint hope does the poet express in the second verse ?

Ans:-  The poet hopes that  humans would  learn and cope with life and its maintenance instead of greed so that tigers might  be safe.

4. Comment on the significance of the line : ‘ without this need for needless death ‘ .

Ans:-  This line is significant because it reflects  a ray of hope that humans would no longer  kill animals , specially tigers just for the sake of money . 

5. Explain the reference to ‘ sulphurous cauldron ‘ .

Ans:-  ‘ Sulphurous Cauldron ‘  is  a chemical element used in medicine and industry which when burnt emits rotten and stifling smell .This  here is used as a reference to hell ,which in medieval times was described as being made up of brimstone ,as sulphur was then called  . 

6. The poet asks two  rhetorical questions in the fourth verse . What idea is he trying to express through them ? 

Ans:-  The poet through his two rhetorical questions in the fourth verse tries to explain that , human beings beside their learning , gaining knowledge could not learn the true value of life .Also the poet asks about the use of creating advanced machineries ,if they are only for harming lives instead of saving them . 

7. What has  ‘ human ignorance and greed ‘ caused ? 

Ans:- Human ignorance and greed had caused to the extinction of tigers .

8. How is the tiger moving ‘ from the present to the past ‘ ? Who is responsible for this ? 

Ans:-  The tiger is way faster on the verge of extinction from the past to the present . 

                             Human beings are responsible for such . 



Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions with reference to the context .

1. Who did he hate who sowed the seed 

of human ignorance and greed ;

and can he smile  our work to see

as we who killed  the lamb  kill thee .

(a) What has ‘ human ignorance and greed ‘led to ? 

Ans:-  Human ignorance and greed had led to the extinction of tigers  in a faster way . 

(b) Why does the poet think that only someone who hates would sow such seed ?

Ans:-   Human acts such as poaching couldn’t be done by a normal man without any hatred within self , so the poet thinks that someone who hates would only sow such seed . 

(c) Comment on the significance of the words ‘ we who killed the lamb ‘ .

Ans:-  The poet draws significance of the words  ‘ we who killed the lamb ‘ in a way that ,human beings are responsible for killing the gentler aspects of tiger and leading them to be harsher and arrogant . 

(d) What comparison is the poet drawing between the killing of the lamb and the tiger ?

—> Comment down the answer to check your knowledge … 😉



1. Apart from rhetorical questions ,another poetic device frequently used by the poet is alliteration .Pick out a few examples of alliteration from the poem . 

Ans: Alliteration is when beginning sound or sounds in a group of words are repeated . 

               Examples of a few in the poem ” Tiger Tiger ,Revisited ” are –

a) Tiger tiger fading fast in the shadow we have cast .

b) What the future ,what the hope that humankind may learn to cope .

c) What the learning ,what the thought that values lives like yours at naught ?


2. Explain the meaning of the following phrases and expressions with reference to the context .

a) maintenance of breath

b) moral poverty

c) values lives like yours at naught

d) sowed the seed

e)mere humanity

Ans: a) Survival of human beings without killing tigers .

         b) Poverty of not  being  able to  love,be capable  and even be responsible adults to teach right from wrong .

         c) To be nothing even by gaining values.

         d) Doing something that produces a result or outcome .

         e) Not just human being themselves but anything made by or done with them .



Chapter 1  – https://bit.ly/3o4Y7ot

Chapter 2  – https://bit.ly/3BM5DZk

Chapter 3 – https://bit.ly/3iaEcAN

Chapter 4 – https://bit.ly/39Thust

Chapter 5 – https://bit.ly/2XSNXwF

Chapter 6 – https://bit.ly/3kHNLJa

Chapter 7 – https://bit.ly/39GelMc

Chapter 9 – https://bit.ly/2Ww34ve

Chapter 10 –  https://bit.ly/3TcSIbv

Chapter 11 –  https://bit.ly/3EUAg3k

Chapter 12  – https://bit.ly/3eCLvmk

Chapter 14 – https://bit.ly/3glRPyM

Chapter 15 – https://bit.ly/3WkgqVa

Chapter 16 – https://bit.ly/41uXyWg


Chapter 1  – https://bit.ly/3i8Qz07

Chapter 2  – https://bit.ly/3ELEw2q

Chapter 3  – https://bit.ly/3zFwK6t

Chapter 4  – https://bit.ly/3o5Evk4

Chapter 5  – https://bit.ly/3kHPmOV

Chapter 6  –  https://bit.ly/3i8kuFO

Chapter 7  –  https://bit.ly/3m2AYQO

Chapter 8  – https://bit.ly/3CHIoj2

Chapter 9 – https://bit.ly/3gkT29w

Chapter 10 – https://bit.ly/3TcWOQV

Chapter 11 – https://bit.ly/3Dvsprl

Chapter 12 –  https://bit.ly/3Y5LYxU

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